The Assessment Criteria of Morphological Changes of Duodenal Mucosa in Gastroduodenitis in Follow-up
The aim of the investigation is to determine prognostic criteria of the course of chronic gastroduodenitis in young patients based on the analysis of dysregenerative process in duodenal mucosa in the same patients at school age.
Materials and Methods. There were examined 24 patients with chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD) in exacerbation, aged 7–14 years. And 18–20 years later 20 patients of the same group were examined outpatiently.
Results. The revealed parallels of morphological changes in duodenal mucosa in the same patients in childhood and in adults suggest that the presence of recurrent diffuse inflammatory process characterizing severe duodenitis at school age causes persistent structural changes. The shortening of villi contours, the decrease of crypts volume, and morphometrical confirmation of the monomorphic character of epithelial layer and cellular spectrum of lamina propria taking into account leiomyocyti in the gradient ”villus-crypt” are informative criteria complex that allows suggesting duodenal mucosa atrophy.
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