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Significance of Microcirculation Abnormalities as Counter-hypotension Mechanism in Essential Arterial Hypertension

Significance of Microcirculation Abnormalities as Counter-hypotension Mechanism in Essential Arterial Hypertension

Shkarin Vl.V., Lozhakova М.V.
Key words: essential arterial hypertension, microcirculation, drug antihypertensive therapy.
2011, issue 4, page 89.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the contribution of microcirculation abnormalities to “escape effect” development in drug antihypertensive therapy in patients with essential arterial hypertension (AH).

Materials and Methods. There were examined 107 patients with essential AH of the I–II severity degree (49 males, 58 females; their mean age being 48.9±9.9 years). In all patients before and after 8 weeks of drug antihypertensive therapy there was carried out ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, values of central and peripheral circulatory dynamics were determined, and the state of microcirculatory bed was assessed. The patients were divided into three groups by cluster analysis based on initial data and hypotension therapy results.

Results. Against the background of 8 weeks’ drug hypotension therapy in two groups there was achieved sufficient and stable effect, there were observed normalization of central, peripheral circulatory dynamics and circulation. In the third group the result of hypotension therapy was considered as unsatisfactory, there was reveled no improvement of microcirculatory bed state.

Conclusion. Microcirculatory abnormalities appears as counter-hypotension factor leading to “escape effect” development in drug hypotension therapy.

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Shkarin Vl.V., Lozhakova М.V. Significance of Microcirculation Abnormalities as Counter-hypotension Mechanism in Essential Arterial Hypertension. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 89

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