The Use of Complex Assessment of Morphofunctional State of Pancreatic Microvasculature to Study the Adaptation of the Body to Motor Activity in Impaired Glucose Tolerance
The aim of the investigation is to consider the possibility of using the assessment data of microvasculature to study morphofunctional state of terminal vessels of exocrine and endocrine parts of pancreas in dogs with impaired glucose tolerance after physical exertion.
Materials and methods. 30 mature male dogs with impaired glucose tolerance were studied: the 1st group — with no physical exertion, the 2nd — with short-term physical exertion and the 3rd — with extreme physical exertion. Morphological changes of the microvasculature components of pancreatic exocrine and endocrine parts were studied after the single motor load actions on the organism using histological, histochemical, electron-microscopical and morphometric methods.
Results. Complex assessment enabled to reveal various adaptive changes of pancreatic microvasculature in animals with impaired glucose tolerance when exposed to optimal and maximum physical exertion. The exposure to short-term load results in developing compensatory adaptive transformations in the terminal part of vasculature of the both parts of the pancreas. Extreme loads along with reactive changes caused by single physical exercise lead to destructive alterations of microvasculature elements of primarily exocrine part. The information can be taken into consideration when studying impairment mechanisms in physical exertion environment and when developing regimens of motor activity in prediabetic persons.
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