The Estimation of Liver Surgery Results in Colorectal Metastases in the Privolzhsky District Medical Center of Federal Medico-Biologic Agency of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod) According to International Register LiverMetSurvey
There have been analyzed the results of surgical treatment of 128 patients with metastases of colorectal cancer in the liver operated in the Privolzhsky district medical center of Federal Medico-Biologic agency of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod). There has been carried out the comparative assessment of the results processed by means of international register LiverMetSurvey (www.livermetsurvey.org) with collective data of the project published. All main aspects were compared. Age, primary tumour localization, the number, size and localization of hepatic metastases, the presence of associated pathologies, as well as the volume of surgeries performed in the compared groups had differences representing the work of Regional Hepatology Centre. The main difference was in postoperative survival of such patients: according to International register, two-year survival amounts to 76%, and in our centre — 57%. The obtained results of the analysis show the approaches to the treatment of this difficult group of patients in the Privolzhsky district medical center correspond to the international protocol.
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