The Effect of Non-coherent Impulse Radiation on Functional Status of Mononuclear Cells in Experiment
The aim of the investigation was to study the effect of non-coherent impulse radiation on functional status of mononuclear cells in experiment.
Materials and Methods. In vivo experiments were carried out on white outbred male rats exposed to non-coherent impulse radiation with the following set-up parameters: impulse time — 10 µs, amperage — 1 kA, electrode voltage — 10 kV, pulse energy — 5 J, frequency — 1 Hz. We used two exposure modes on animals: three times within a minute, and three times within 2 min.
We studied the state of oxygen-dependent neutrophil metabolism using spontaneous and induced NBT-test (NBT — nitro blue tetrazolium), assessed the activity of phagocytosis by latex particles phagocytosis, and determined spectrophotometrically the concentration of nucleic acids in lymphocytes of peripheral blood.
Results. One-minute exposure caused no significant changes of functional status of mononuclear cells. Two-minute exposure resulted in NADPH-oxidase activation in neutrophil plasma membrane. Cell phagocytic rate was found to increase when the animals were exposed to non-coherent impulse radiation. Phagocytic index and phagocytic number increased of 21.84 and 45.28% respectively. There was revealed the increase of DNA concentration in lymphocytes of peripheral blood in rats.
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