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The Effect of Low Intensity Laser Radiation on Specific Inflammation Activity in Tuberculous Patients and Long-Term Results of their Treatment

The Effect of Low Intensity Laser Radiation on Specific Inflammation Activity in Tuberculous Patients and Long-Term Results of their Treatment

Sutyagina D.А., Hikolsky V.О., Elipashev А.А., Mishanov R.F., Shprykov А.S.
Key words: low intensity laser radiation; infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis; degrees of tuberculous process activity.
2013, volume 5, issue 1, page 113.

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The aim of the investigation was to study the changes in tuberculous process activity by morphological data, and assess the short- and long-term results of the treatment of patients exposed to low intensity laser radiation.

Materials and Methods. We studied the short- and long-term results of treatment and the tuberculous process activity by morphological data in 60 patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis: the main group consisted of 30 patients exposed to low intensity laser radiation, and the control group included 30 patients with no radiation therapy used. In all patients the provided treatment resulted in the transformation of infiltrative tuberculosis into tuberculoma or cavern, followed by conservative lung reductions with postoperative histological examination. We compared the degree of specific process activity with the short- and long-term results of treatment. Inflammation activity was determined by B.M. Ariel classification (1998). According to the classification there are 5 inflammation degrees: from the minimal degree 1 (inactive tuberculosis), to degree 5, maximum (acutely progressive tuberculosis).

Results. The application of laser therapy was found to promote the reduction of inflammatory process activity in pulmonary tuberculosis and improve the short- and long-term results of treatment. The average morphological activity degree of tuberculous process in the treatment group was 2.8±0.1 (the control group — 3.2±0.1) permitting to perform operative therapy at early stage of chemotherapy (an average preoperative stage in the patients of the treatment group — 5.2±0.2 months, in the control patients — 6.5±0.3 months) and reduce hospitalization period. In the follow up period the number of clinically cured tuberculous patients in this group increases.

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Sutyagina D.А., Hikolsky V.О., Elipashev А.А., Mishanov R.F., Shprykov А.S. The Effect of Low Intensity Laser Radiation on Specific Inflammation Activity in Tuberculous Patients and Long-Term Results of their Treatment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(1): 113

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