Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
We considered one of the most complicated problems of surgery and intensive care — abdominal compartment syndrome. It is a severe, and in some cases lethal complication developing in major injuries and pathology of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, as well as in extra-abdominal pathology. In addition, compartment syndrome can be the complication of a number of surgical procedures accompanied primarily by laparotomy wound closure with tissue tension. We demonstrated the classification of the complication taking into consideration the etiology, pathogenesis of intra-abdominal hypertension development, the significance of intra-abdominal pressure level, as well as its role in multi-organ failure development. We considered the methods of intra-abdominal pressure measurement, and the urinary pressure measurement using Unometer™Abdo-Pressure™ device turned out to be the most accurate, simple and safe. The preventive and treatment modalities of abdominal compartment syndrome were described. The monitoring of intra-abdominal pressure level in risk group patients, adequate infusion therapy, timely decompression (nasogastrointestinal intubation, decompressive laparotomy), and optimal respiratory support conditions are of primary importance.
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