The Emprovement of Percutaneous Puncture Core Renal Biopsy in Diffuse Diseases
We developed methods to improve ultrasound-guided percutaneous renal puncture core biopsy in diffuse diseases. The use of semi-automatic needles True-Cut, caliber 14G, with harpoon-type mandrin, which enables to obtain high-quality tissue samples, up to 2 cm in length and up to 1.2 mm in thickness that makes it possible to perform a single tissue retrieval (2–3 — in exceptional cases). 40 patients underwent “free hand” biopsy using semi-automatic needles. The peculiarity of the suggested technique of biopsy needle visualization improvement is in the creation of induced anechoic space in paranephral cellular tissue by means of tissue infiltration by 0.25% novocaine solution. It helps to localize the tip of a mandrin immediately close to the renal surface and enables its controlled introduction into the selected biopsy area. To avoid the calices-pelvis system or vessel damage, the approach is along the line going obliquely superiorly down through parenchyma of the middle third of the kidney towards the lower pole at sufficient distance from the renal sinus echostructures. Informative material for histological study was obtained without complications in all cases. The optimized biopsy technique permits early activization of patients and their reduced (up to one day) stay in hospital.
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