Integral Analysis of Blood Plasma Biochemical Parameters as an Optimizing Diagnostic Technique of Epithelial Tissue Malignant Neoplasms
The aim of the investigation was to assess the interaction of tumor marker level, the indices of protein and mineral metabolism, free radical oxidation in blood plasma and the tumor-forming stage in malignant processes in epithelial tissues.
Materials and Methods. Blood plasma of 73 patients with epithelial tissue malignant neoplasms and 31 apparently healthy people were studied. Blood plasma biochemical parameters were assessed using the analyzers: free-radical activity — by induced biochemiluminescence; oxidative protein modification — by the level of carbonyl derivatives; elemental analysis — using atomic emission spectrometry.
Results. Low diagnostic value of the determination of oncomarkers at early stage of the studied oncological diseases was shown. We observed the change of blood plasma biochemical parameters at early carcinogenesis stage: the albumin level reduction and the concentration increase of urea, α1- and γ-globulin fractions. Cancer patients were found to have impaired element homeostasis: Na, Fe, Cu, Li level decrease, K, P, Sr increase. We revealed the activation of free-radical oxidation and oxidative protein modification, the correlation of the intensity of these processes with the content of some elements in blood plasma. Integral analysis of blood plasma biochemical parameters increases diagnostic value of the determination of tumor markers in the detection of malignant tumors of epithelial tissues.
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