Choroidal Revascularization Postoperative Monitoring by Infrared Radiothermomtry Methods
The aim of the investigation was to assess the possibilities of infrared radiothermometry for choroidal revascularization surgery monitoring.
Materials and Methods. A portable microprocessor-based infrared radiothermometer was used to study eyeball surface temperature and eye temperature asymmetry. The patients with central chorioretinal dystrophy after “Alloplant” (Russia) biomaterial transplantation underwent monitoring of revascularization operations.
Results. There were the reduction of the affected eye temperature and the increase of temperature asymmetry before the operation. 5 days after the surgery surface temperature of the operated eyes increased and the asymmetry direction changed due to reactive inflammation. 10 days later the temperature asymmetry decreased and reached its norm by the 40th follow-up day. The patients after alloplant transplantation for retinal revascularization were found to have the change of eye temperature asymmetry in postoperative period.
The possibility of noninvasive real-time monitoring of the eye temperature asymmetry change shows the application perspectiveness of infrared radiothermometry for dynamic control of immediate and long-term results of biomaterial transplantation for retinal blood supply correction in degenerative age-related changes.
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