The Effect of Free and Bound Nitric Oxide on Blood Energy Metabolism
The aim of the investigation was to perform a comparative analysis of free and bound nitric oxide effects on erythrocyte energy metabolic parameters in vitro.
Materials and Methods. Two series of experiments were carried out. In the first series we processed blood samples (5 ml) by gaseous nitric oxide (800 µg/l) using three regimens of ″Plazon″ apparatus (Russia). In the second series we saturated three aliquot blood samples by 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 ml of dinitrozyl iron complexes (DNIC) respectively (concentration of the compound was 3 mmol/l). We determined lactate dehydrogenase activity in direct and indirect reactions and lactate level in blood and erythrocytes. A number of derived coefficients were calculated to estimate energy metabolic changes.
Results. High concentrations of free nitric oxide were found to inhibit the activity of enzyme systems related to energy metabolism. On the contrary, DNIC have a stimulating effect on erythrocytes energy metabolism.
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