Destructive Appendicitis after Appedicular Abscess
In urgent abdominal surgical practice the patients after apendicular abscess drainage are generally thought to require no follow up, since vermix is completely lysed. In the present clinical observation the authors show that in some cases no complete appendiceal destruction occurs, and it can result in a complicated recurrent acute appendicitis. Therefore, such patients, as well as those being treated for appendicular infiltrate are indicated a subsequent examination to reveal a residual appendix. Incomplete appendiceal destruction is to be followed by a planned appendectomy.
- Rukovodstvo po neotlozhnoy khirurgii organov bryushnoy polosti [Guidelines on urgent abdominal surgery]. Pod red. akad. Savel’eva V.S. [Savel’ev V.S. (editor)]. Moscow: Triada-Kh; 2004; 640 p.