Laser Microablative Tunnel Formation to Initiate Alveolar Bone Regeneration. Pilot ex vivo Study
In recent years there has been demonstrated the ability of Erbium (Er) laser to cause effective ablation of bone tissue with minimum collateral damage. Non-surgical treatment of periodontitis using Er laser improves probing depth and clinical attachment level. However, periodontal anti-inflammatory therapy should not be limited to these parameters, but also should initiate tissue regeneration including bone tissue damaged by the disease.
The aim of the investigation was to evaluate feasibility and characterize the process of laser microablative tunnel formation in gingiva and alveolar bone using a pulse-periodic, single mode Er laser, and determine laser parameters providing appropriate size of the tunnel and coagulation zone needed to initiate healing and regeneration of the alveolar bone.
Materials and Methods. Ex vivo pig jaw was used as a model for the study. To create a through-gingiva microperformation of the alveolar bone, we used a laboratory prototype of Er laser and delivery system Alta PE-AT (Dental Photonics, Inc.).
Results. We performed a microperforation of a 1 mm thick gingiva and created a microcrater (tunnel) in the underlying bone using a single pulse with energy 5, 10 and 30 mJ. The laser tunnel characteristics in the gingiva, bone and dentine were characterized as a function of laser irradiation parameters. Optical microscopy and histology examination did not reveal carbonization or significant collateral damage of the bone tissue.
Conclusion. Using a laboratory prototype of Alta PE-AT Er laser we demonstrated feasibility of through gingiva laser microperforation of alveolar bone that can serve as the first step towards further study of healing and initiation of the alveolar bone regeneration.
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