Neurointerface with Double Feedback from Subject’s EEG for Correction of Stress-Induced States
The aim of the study is a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the neurointerfaces using single (sound) or double (light-sound) feedback from the human EEG when suppressing stress-induced states.
Materials and Methods. In one of the three experiments, 16 stressed volunteers were presented with classical music (control). In the other two experiments, either single feedback was used, in which subjects are presented with sound stimuli obtained by converting the current values of EEG oscillators into music-like signals, or double feedback, in which the described music-like signals were supplemented by rhythmic light stimuli controlled by the raw EEG of the subject.
Results. The most pronounced effects — a significant increase in the alpha EEG power relative to the background and significant positive shifts in subjective indicators — were noted under double feedback from subject’s EEG due to the involvement of integrative, adaptive and resonance mechanisms of the central nervous system in the processes of functional state normalization.
Conclusion. The use of the double audio-visual feedback from the human EEG appears to be a promising way to improve the effectiveness of neurointerfaces in correcting stress-induced functional states.
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