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Application of Deep Learning Algorithms Based on the Multilayer YOLOv8 Neural Network to Identify Fungal Keratitis

Application of Deep Learning Algorithms Based on the Multilayer YOLOv8 Neural Network to Identify Fungal Keratitis

Sitnova A.V., Valitov E.R., Svetozarskiy S.N.
Key words: deep learning; convolutional neural network; YOLOv8; corneal mycosis; keratitis diagnosis.
2024, volume 16, issue 4, page 5.

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The aim of the study is to develop a method for diagnosing fungal keratitis based on the analysis of photographs of the anterior segment of the eye using deep learning algorithms with subsequent evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of the method on a test data set in comparison with the results of practicing ophthalmologists.

Materials and Methods. The study has included the stages of data acquisition, image pre-training and markup, selection of training approach and neural network architecture, training with input data augmentation, validation with hyperparameter correction, evaluation of algorithm performance on a test sample, and determination of sensitivity and specificity of fungal keratitis detection by practicing doctors. A total of 274 anterior segment images were used, including 130 photographs of the eyes affected by fungal keratitis and 144 photographs illustrating normal eyes, keratitis of other etiologies, and various anterior segment pathologies. Photographs taken after the treatment onset, illustrations of keratitis of mixed etiology and corneal perforation were excluded from the study. Images of the training sample were marked up using the VGG Image Annotator web application and then used to train the YOLOv8 convolutional neural network. Images from the test data set were also offered to practicing ophthalmologists to determine the diagnostic accuracy of fungal keratitis.

Results. The sensitivity of the model was 56.0%, the specificity level reached 96.1%, and the proportion of correct answers of the algorithm was 76.5%. The accuracy of image recognition by practicing ophthalmologists was 50.0%, specificity — 41.7%, sensitivity — 57.7%.

Conclusion. The study showed the high potential of deep learning algorithms in the diagnosis of fungal keratitis and its advantages in accuracy compared to expert judgment in the absence of metadata. The use of computer vision technologies may find application as a complementary diagnostic method in decision making in complex cases and in telemedicine care settings. Further research is required to compare the developed model with alternative approaches, to expand and standardize databases.

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Sitnova A.V., Valitov E.R., Svetozarskiy S.N. Application of Deep Learning Algorithms Based on the Multilayer YOLOv8 Neural Network to Identify Fungal Keratitis. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2024; 16(4): 5,

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