Today: Mar 7, 2025
Last update: Feb 28, 2025

Editorial Note

Dear authors!

The Editorial Staff would like to suggest the scheme according to which a clinical article is to be written.

1. RESEARCH ARTICLE should consist of the following sections.

Title should be concise but informative: express briefly the idea, hypothesis and the objective.

Introduction — actuality of the problem:

  • explain why this problem is to be solved; what solutions the world science suggests; who has investigated it and what aspects have been considered, what methods have been used;
  • introduce the advantages of a new (author’s) approach, the author’s methods, techniques; and contribution made in solving the problem. You are to give all literature references with commentaries.

Aim. State the purposes of the study. The problem or hypothesis the author is solving should be clearly formulated.

The particular aim is to be represented in the title of the article.

Materials and Methods. State what was done and what materials were used:

  • the description of the main groups (patients, animals), the basis on which the work was carried out (institution, clinic), the equipment used, and time period within which the study was being performed;
  • clear design (scheme) of the investigation (experiment): criteria of inclusion/exclusion, follow-up period, exposure time, treatment period, etc.;
  • methods used;
  • statistical data processing.

Results. Provide the findings of the study. No literature references should be given. Include actual data in the form of brief descriptions using graphs, tables and figures. (Do not copy the information presented! Use only one model of presentation).

Discussion. Analysis or discussion.

Usually it begins with the words: “In the study there have been obtained the following results…” Then you are to give a detailed description of each of the result: how you regard the significance of the findings, their comparison with the data obtained by other authors, whether they have coincided or not, and explain the possible cause of difference (variation in groups and methods, etc.).

Conclusion. Summarize in one or two sentences the result of the work: the findings obtained; their significance and what opportunities they offer. Represent the perspectives of taking advantages of the obtained findings.

These conclusions are the basis to specify the title of an article.

2. ABSTRACT. Pay attention to correct writing of an abstract – it is an essential part of an article. Do not forget that the majority of reference databases reflect abstracts only; therefore, an abstract is the only possibility to declare the world community about your scientific findings. An abstract should consist of 200–250 words, and has the following structure, i.e. represent briefly the headings of an article:

а) Aim of the Research;
b) Materials and Methods;
c) Results;
d) Conclusion.

Key words (3–10) are required.

3. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The authors are to give the following information:

  • Surname and initials;
  • Academic rank;
  • Positions;
  • Places of work with postal address (required);
  • Telephones (office, mobile), author’s e-mail, which will be mentioned in “Contacts”, as well as contact information at least one author.

The rules for preparing articles submitted to our journal are stated relying on the requirements of “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” established by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The rules are represented in “Requirements for Manuscripts” on our site.

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