Modern Approach to Diagnosis of the Nervous System Perinatal Hypoxic Lesions in Children of the First Year of Life
Aim of investigation is a study of the nervous system perinatal hypoxic lesion flow clinical variants in children of the first year of life considering the risk factor of their forming influence for optimization of the patient neurorehabilitation.
Materials and Methods. The children of the first month of life, having been under dynamic observation during a year, were included into investigation. A complex cliniconeurologic and instrumental examination was made to all the children.
Results. A role of medicobiological, medicosocial and medicoorganizing risk factors of the nervous system perinatal hypoxic lesion forming is verified. The diagnostic criteria of a perinatal encephalopathy and transitory (age-stipulated, border) states in children of the early age are detected on a basis of the nervous system perinatal lesion clinical flow variant study. A necessary volume of medical care at the patient rehabilitation stage in the ambulatory-polyclinic conditions is substantiated.