New View of the Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Pharmacological Activity and Its Influence on the Pathologically Changed Liver
11 variants of the human chorionic gonadotrphin (HChG) pharmacological effect to the pathologically changed liver are revealed at analysis of the experimental and clinical investigation results, which leads to significant stimulation of regeneration, reversibility of pathologic changes and normalization of that organ structure and function at different forms of its experimental and clinical pathology. The proofs of a wide spectrum of the HChG positive effect to the pathologically changed liver are the substantiation for a domestic commercial preparation HChG use, called as a ″gonadotrophin chorionic″ (Moscow), for treatment of different diseases of that organ in human.
A multiplanned pharmacological effect of a chorionic gonadotrophin is discovered in addition to its already well-known gonadotrphic effect, extending a notion of that hormone as a pharmacological preparation.