New Technologies of a Lens Refractive Substitution with a Use of Microincisions
Materials and Methods. The operations on a lens refractive substitution were made on 67 eyes of patients at the age of 27—84 years. A bimanual extracapsular phacoaspiration with an artificial lens implantation is made on 24 eyes; a bimanual extracapsular phacoethmulsification is made on 43 eyes. The operations are made according to the methods proposed by authors. A maximum date of observation was 5 years.
Results and discussion. A remote postoperative period was smooth in more than 95% of the treated patients due to the thorough atraumatic operations. Practically all the rare complications of a postoperative period were conservatively cupped. A visual acuity of 0.7 and more is achieved in 80.6% of patients. The proposed methods with a use of a minimum power and exposition of ultrasound in a zone of the greatest distance both from a posterior capsule and anterior surface of a vitreous body and the cornea endothelium minimize a risk of complications and provide the good early and remote results of operation.
Conclusion. The proposed microsurgical method and instrument use permits to exclude or significantly reduce a time of the ultrasound work and a general duration of operation, to decrease its traumatism, a probability of the early and late postoperative period complications, which is favorable for postoperative recovery and rehabilitation dates.