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Impulse Electrotherapy in Reduction Treatment of the Tuboperitoneal Sterility

Impulse Electrotherapy in Reduction Treatment of the Tuboperitoneal Sterility

Belousova T.E., Kholmogorova I.E.
Key words: tuboperitoneal sterility, SCANAR-therapy.
2010, issue 1, page 35.

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Aim of investigation is assessment of the impulse electrotherapy clinical effectiveness in a complex treatment of patients with the tuboperitoneal sterility.

Materials and Methods. A complex clinicolaboratory examination of 114 patients with the tuboperitoneal sterility (TPS) is made. All the females were divided into 3 groups. The females underwent a laparoscopic operation and ultrasonic therapy in the impulse mode to a suprapubic zone in the early postoperative period (10—15 procedures) in the 1st control group (n=30). The females underwent a laparoscopic operation and a course of impulse electrotherapy with the ″SCANAR-1-HT″ apparatus with a use of vaginal electrode (10—15 procedures) in the 2nd group (n=42). A course of impulse electrotherapy was conducted without a vaginal electrode use (10—15 procedures) in the 3d group (n=42).

Two parameters were considered at assessment of the female reproductive function reduction: a conservation of the uterine tube permeability after laparoscopy and a spontaneous pregnancy beginning. A hysterosalpingography was made in all the patients in 2—3 months after a reduction treatment.

Results. An impulse electrotherapy used in the early reduction period after a laparoscopic operation in patients with the tuboperitoneal sterility improves the uterine tube permeability conservation values by 28%, the fertility values — by 20% compared to a group, where an ultrasonic therapy in the impulse mode was used in the early reduction period.

The proposed method normally effects the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system state, a homeostasis, leads to a hemodynamics normalization in the small pelvis organs, a decrease of the organism regulatory mechanism tension degree, a decrease of a sympathetic nervous system influence and increase of a parasympathetic nervous system tonus, has an expressed psychocorrugating effect.

Belousova T.E., Kholmogorova I.E. Impulse Electrotherapy in Reduction Treatment of the Tuboperitoneal Sterility. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2010; (1): 35

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