Diagnosis Criteria of Children with a Toxic Hepatitisat the Background of the Mushroom-poisoning
Aim of investigation is revealing of the alimentary intoxication clinical signs and elaboration of the diagnosis criteria of children with a toxic hepatitis at the background of the mushroom-poisoning.
Materials and Methods. A clinical observation of 16 children at the age of 1—12 years is made. A disease activity classification considering deviations of the cytolysis, mesenchymal inflammation and cholestasis values was used at diagnosis of a toxic hepatitis.
Results and discussion. An increase of the lipoprotein of a high density in blood content, a slackening of lipolysis, a suppression of the liver detoxicating function as a result of dysbalance between the I and II phases of the xenobiotic biotransformation are revealed according to the investigation results. A development of endogenous intoxication is caused by increase of the oligopeptide content in the studied biological media. Investigation of the lipid metabolism, detoxicating function of the liver, endogenous intoxication values is proposed to use in the infantile practical hepatology as the diagnosis criteria to patients with a toxic hepatitis, induced by the mushroom-poisonings.