Peculiarities of the Left Ventricle Segmental Diastolic Dysfunction and Structural and Geometrical Reconstruction in Children with a Diabetes Mellitus of the 1st Type
Aim of investigation is a study of the systolic and diastolic dysfunctions, including the segmental and global diastolic disturbances depending on the left ventricle geometrical values and the arterial pressure level in children with a diabetes mellitus of the 1st type.
Materials and Methods. 126 children with a diabetes mellitus of the 1st type are examined. 38 children are examined with a disease remoteness of up to 5 years; 69 children — of 5—10 years; 19 children — of more than 10 years. An echocardiographic examination with the restimulation index, systolic and diastolic function value calculation was made. A method of tissue visualization in the impulse and wave mode was used for assessment of a segmental diastolic dysfunction.
Results. The heart lesion in children with a diabetes mellitus of the 1st type was characterized by the left ventricle hypertrophy development according to eccentric type, accompanied by the left ventricle segmental diastolic dysfunction early appearance according to a delayed relaxation type. The arterial pressure increase, revealing at the indexed value analysis, is one of the most substantial factors, defining the cardiovascular system functioning disturbances.