Modern State of Ozonotherapy in Medicine. Perspectives of Use in Oncology
The results of experimental and clinical investigations on the ozonotherapy biological effect study are summarized. The modern methods of ozonotherapy, well-known indications of the given oxidative therapy method are described. The basic fundamental ideas of the free radical role in physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions, reflected in works of the free-radical biology founders, are analyzed. A critical analysis of data, received at a use of ozonotherapy in oncology, is made. It is asserted, that a stimulation of the tumoral cell proliferation and a tumoral and toxic effect of the oxygen active forms are defined, first, by ozone concentration, second, a growth stage (initial level of a free-radical activity) both of tumor and the organism-carrier of tumor. The problems of ozonotherapy are analyzed and proposals are made on perspectives of the ozone technology development in biomedicine.