Dynamics of the Lipid Peroxidation Values at a Divalent Iron Preparation Effect According to the Experiment Data
Aim of investigation is a study of the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection value dynamic in blood of experimental animals at a repeated durative infusion of a sulfate with serine divalent iron preparation.
Materials and Methods. An experiment is made on 120 nonlinear male-rats. The values of induced biochemiluminescence, a content of a malone dialdehyde, an activity of a superoxidedismutase and catalase, a concentration of a ceruplasmin in blood of experimental animals at infusion of a sulfate with serine divalent iron preparation (Actiferrin) have been detected in the equitherapeutic dose of 17.14 mg/kg a day (counting a Fe2+) during 30 days.
Results. The Actiferrin preparation activates a process of the lipid peroxidation in a day after infusion, which is manifested in a form of the experimental animal blood plasma free-radical activity increase, delaying of a general antioxidant activity growth and an increase of a free-radical oxidation process abatement rate. The stages in dynamics of all the studied values during a period of observation are marked.
Conclusion. The modern approach to assessment of the iron preparation influence, including a divalent one, on the lipid peroxidation values must foresee their dynamic control during all the date of a ferropreparation use. The received results testify to a necessity of a combined designation of antioxidants considering the stages of the indicated value alterations.