Infrared Thermometry as a Screening Method of the Brain Metabolism Level Detection
Aim of work is investigation of the head skin temperature measurement possibility with a use of infrared (IR) thermometer for assessment of the brain metabolism.
Materials and Methods. 60 practically healthy humans and 60 patients with a discirculatory encephalopathy are examined in detail. A measurement of the head skin temperature with the CEM®-ThermoDiagnostics IR-thermometer in representative points: the central frontal, supraciliary and temporal ones was made to all investigating humans.
Results. An investigation has demonstrated, that it is expedient to assess the brain metabolism level according to average meaning of the measured temperatures in the frontal and temporal areas, besides, a metabolism must be assessed as a lowered one, if the average temperature is less than 33°C. A claim for invention rights №2009143852, priority of 2009.11.26 is submitted according to investigation results.
The proposed method is a highly-informative method of the brain metabolism level functional assessment and can serve as a screening-method for early diagnosis of the chronic cerebrovascular diseases.