Method of a Cataract Tunnel Extraction at an Expressed Corticocapsular Adhesion
Aim of investigation is an increase of the cataract tunnel extraction effectiveness by elaboration of the lens nucleus extraction new method at an expressed corticocapsular adhesion.
Materials and Methods. An extraction of the lens nucleus was made according to elaborated method, including a low diameter nucleus turning over to 180° with a subsequent extraction through a tunnel incision of a 6—8 mm fibrous capsule with a use of elaborated loop-cannula, in 50 patients with an age cataract, in which an expressed corticocapsular adhesion was intraoperationally diagnosed.
The control group patients (also 50 humans) were operated according to a standard method of a cataract extracapsular extraction through a lumbar incision of 10—12 mm.
Results. The significantly lower functional results are revealed in a control group of patients, than in experimental group: the average values of a visual acuity were 0.14±0.07 and 0.46±0.03, respectively, the average values of iatrogenic astigmatism were 1.73±0.06 and 0.82±0.08.