Influence of the Succinate-containing Substances on Activity of the Organism Free-radical Processes, a Structure of the Liver and on Tumor of Rats with the Pliss Lymphosarcoma
Aim of investigation is a study of the amber acid and succinate-ascorbate chitosan oligosaccharide effect on activity of the organism free-radical processes, a structure of the liver and tumor of rats with the Pliss lymphosarcoma.
Materials and Methods. The animals have been receiving the investigating substances since the 3d day after the tumor transplantation (100 mg/kg, 7 days). A free-radical status of the organism was assessed in a day after the manipulation termination by the induced chemiluminescence method. The morphometric analysis methods are used for a structure of the liver and tumor study.
Results. An effectiveness of a succinate-ascorbate chitosan oligosaccharide complex use in the early dates of a tumor growth, favoring a support of the organism free-radical balance in norm and leading to weakening of dystrophic and intensification of regeneration processes in the liver of experimental animals, as well as stimulating a destruction of the Pliss lymphosarcoma tissue, is established.