Pathogenetic Substantiation and Effectiveness of a Systemic Enzymotherapy at a Hepatitis C
Aim of investigation is a study of a vobenzyme systemic enzymotherapy preparation therapeutic effectiveness on experimental model of a tetrachloromethane hepatitis and in patients with a parenteral hepatitis C.
Materials and Methods. 340 white male-rats with the acute and chronic hepatitis simulation according to a generally adopted model with a carbon tetrachloride use were used in experiment. A clinical investigation was conducted in 160 patients with an acute hepatitis C. The lipid metabolism values were detected by the enzymatic colorimetric method with a use of the ″Human″ firm standard sets (Germany). A detection of the lactic and pyruvic acid content was made by enzymatic method.
Results. A hepatotropic activity of vobenzyme is manifested in a cytolysis reduction, an increase of the liver albumino-, glycogensynthetizing and antitoxic functions. A preparation use in a hepatitis C pathogenetic therapy has a positive effect on the carbohydrate, lipid, albuminous metabolisms. A vobenzyme inclusion into a pathogenetic therapy of patients with an acute hepatitis C reduces the hospitalization dates by 5—7 days.
Conclusion. A two-stage pharmacological screening has defined a sufficient force and stability of a vobenzyme hepatoprotective effect. Its inclusion into a combined pathogenetic treatment is already substantiated in an acute period of a hepatitis C.