Experimental Investigation of the Ferrum (III) Hydroxide Polymaltosate Preparation Influence Peculiarities on the Lipid Peroxidation Values
Aim of investigation is a study of the ferrum (III) hydroxide polymaltosate preparation influence peculiarities on the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection values in blood of experimental animals at the background of a ferrodeficient anemia.
Materials and Methods. The experiment is made on 120 nonlinear male-rats. The values of induced biochemiluminescence, a content of malone dialdehyde, an activity of superoxidedismutase and catalase, a concentration of ceruloplasmin in blood of experimental animals at infusion of a preparation, containing a trivalent ferrum, — a ferrum (III) hydroxide polymaltosate (maltofer) — in equitherapeutic dose of 17.14 mg/kg a day (calculating the elementary ferrum) have been detected during investigation for 30 days.
Results. A trivalent ferrum (III) hydroxide polymaltosate preparation (maltofer) stipulates at the early stages an insignificant, and at the later stages — expressed influence on the pointed process, which is confirmed by an increase of a free-radical oxidation process abatement rate in blood plasma of experimental animals, and also a decrease of a superoxidedismutase activity (in a day of its infusion), a decrease of a malone dialdehyde concentration (in 5 days), a decrease of the antioxidant and superoxidedismutase activity (in 10 days), an increase of a plasma free-radical activity and a free-radical oxidation process abatement rate (in 20 days), a decrease of a malone dialdehyde content (in 30 days).
Conclusion. The investigating trivalent ferrum preparation activates a process of lipid peroxidation. Its distinctive feature is a more expressed influence on the pointed process at the late stages of its infusion.