Influence of a Cryoplasmapheresis on a Microcirculation in Patients with a Diabetic Foot Syndrome
Aim of investigation is assessment of the plasmapheresis different type use effectiveness for the microcirculation disturbance correction in patients with a diabetic foot syndrome.
Materials and Methods. A microcirculation was investigated with a use of a laser dopler flowmetry on the affected foot in two groups of patients with a diabetic foot syndrome prior and after a plasmapheresis course (2—3 procedures). A cryoplasmapheresis was made in experimental group, and a conventional one — in a control group.
Results. It is revealed, that a cryoplasmapheresis improves the basic parameters of microcirculation on the affected extremity and intensifies the blood flow regulation active and passive factor influence in patients with a diabetic foot syndrome. A conventional plasmapheresis influence was insignificant.