Free-radical Oxidation at a Diabetes Mellitus of the 2nd Type: Sources of Formation, Components, Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Toxicity
The new data of oxidative stress, particularly in patients with a diabetes mellitus, is analyzed. The free-radical oxidation peculiarities at the given pathology are distinguished, the sources of the free radical increased generation, including not only six ways of the glucose altered metabolism, but the hyperinsulinemia consequences, as well as the antioxidant maintenance and functional activity disturbance because of glycolysis, are concretized.
The intercommunication of the lipid peroxidation and oxidative modification of proteins is assessed; a relationship of the free radical generation with a carbonyl stress and glycolysis is emphasized, which can be assessed as a mutual aggravation syndrome.
The different view points of the oxidative stress components at a diabetes mellitus of the 2nd type are presented.