Prognostic Role of a Soluble Fas in Patients with a Mammary Gland Cancer
The results of a comparative study of the soluble Fas (sFas) levels in a blood serum of the healthy females (n=55) and patients with a mammary gland cancer (MGC) in a stage of T1N0M0 (n=76) and T2N0M0 (n=172), the connections of sFas with the basic clinicomorphologic factors and a disease prognosis are presented. The sFas is revealed with a similar rate in a blood serum and patients with a mammary gland cancer both in a stage of T1N0M0 (53.9%) and in a stage of T2N0M0 (59.3%), and in healthy females (48.1%), however its levels were trustworthy lower than in healthy ones (0.73±0.10 ng/ml) compared to a general group of patients (0.97±0.10 ng/ml). Besides, the sFas initial value connection with an age and reproductive function of patients, with a disease stage and a tumor receptor status is not established, but a tight connection with a degree of the mammary gland cancer malignancy is found. A possible connection of sFas with a prognosis of the mammary gland cancer patient survival rate without recurrence at a stage T2N0M0 is discussed.