Experimental Substantiation of the Aphakia Surgical Correction New Method
Aim of investigation is approving in experiment of a new method of the lens or its fragment luxed into a vitreous body surgical treatment during phacoemulsification and detection of a possibility of its use in clinic
Materials and Methods. The intraocular lens (IOL) and a method of its implantation at a lens luxed into a vitreous body either the lens nucleus, or its fragment luxation during a cataract phacoemulsification and at the lens capsule lack, are elaborated and patented. A three-dimensional virtual topographoanatomical medium, in which the IOL implantation simulation is made, is elaborated. An experiment on 10 cadaveric eyes is made for the result verification.
Results. A perspective of the given method use in clinic due to expected improvement of the accomplishing operation clinical effect due to a possibility of the extending phacoemulsificating incision decrease is established at the IOL implantation simulation in a three-dimensional virtual topographoanatomical medium and its approving on a cadaveric material.
Conclusion. The elaborated method can be used for the IOL implantation at the lens capsule lack both at the lens luxed into a vitreous body and at the lens nucleus and its fragment luxation during a cataract phacoemulsification and the intraocular lens implantation into the aphakiac eye.