Experience of the Esophagoenterostomy Insufficiency Successful Treatment after a Gastrectomy with the ELLA Esophageal Stent
Slugaryov V.V., Gamayunov S.V., Denisenko A.N., Terentiev I.G., Pakhomov S.R., Kuzin M.N.
Key words: the esophagoenterostomy insufficiency, ELLA stent, oncology, stomach cancer.
issue 4,
page 142.
Full text
The esophagoenterostomy insufficiency is still one of the most serious complications of a gastrectomy with the lethality high values. The standard methods of that complication correction have several demerits. The authors have described an experience of the esophagoenterostomy insufficiency successful treatment with a use of the ELLA esophageal stent.
Slugaryov V.V., Gamayunov S.V., Denisenko A.N., Terentiev I.G., Pakhomov S.R., Kuzin M.N. Experience of the Esophagoenterostomy Insufficiency Successful Treatment after a Gastrectomy with the ELLA Esophageal Stent.
Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine
2010; (4):