Vinorelbin–Cyclophosphamide–5-Fluorouracil in a Nonadjuvant Treatment of Patients with Breast Cancer T1–2N0–1M0
The aim of the investigation is to study the effectiveness of a polychemotherapy original scheme, including a vinorelbin–cyclophosphamide–5-fluorouracil in a nonadjuvant mode of treating patients with breast cancer T1–2N0–1M0.
Materials and Methods. An objective effect (n=59) and a posttherapeutic change degree in a tumoral tissue (n=39) were detected.
Results. A medical effect includes full, partial tumor regression and a process of stabilization. It was observed in 94.9% of patients. Thus, an objective effect is in 59.3% of cases, from which a full clinical remission is marked in 13.6% of cases. A full morphological regression of tumor has been reported to be observed in 15.4% of cases.
The analysis of the direct treatment results has proved the proposed polychemotherapy scheme in a nonadjuvant mode to be not less effective than modern medicinal treatment schemes including the anthracyclines and taxanes.