The Effect of Immunomodulating Therapy on a Lysozyme Activity and the Expression of Helicobacter Pylori Contamination in Chronic Gastric and Duodenal Peptic Ulcer
There has been investigated a lysozyme activity level and the expression of Helicobacter pylori contamination in eradication therapy of gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer using immunomodulators of different pharmacological groups. The use of immunomodulators such as lycopid and immunal against a background of the anti-H.bacter “quadroscheme” has been stated to lead to the increase of eradication, with a lysozyme activity in saliva significantly increasing. The tendency to lysozyme normalization in gastric juice has also been observed. A synthetic bacterial immunomodulator lycopid in a greater degree effects a lysozyme activity in comparison with the effect of immunal — an immunomodulator of plants.