Markers of Herpetic Infections in Children with Renal Diseases
The aim of the study is to determine the detection frequency of various activity markers of herpetic infections in children with acute and chronic glomerulonephrites, pyelonephrites, tubulointerstitial nephrites.
Materials and Methods. There have been examined 180 children with various types of nephrological pathologies: acute and chronic forms of glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis. All children have been examined using enzyme multiplied immunoassay to reveal serological markers of herpetic infections, and the majority of children have had their blood and urine tested for human herpes virus by means of polymerase chain reaction.
Results. Serological activity markers of herpetic infections were determined more frequently in chronic renal diseases, and particularly frequently in glomerulonephrites, and more rarely — in pyelonephrites. The markers of HSV- and EBV-infections are the most common ones. Viral genomes have been revealed mainly in acute forms of renal diseases. A latent cytomegaloviral infection is widespread that is confirmed by cytomegalovirus DNA isolation in urine.