The Role of Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis of Spermatogenesis Disorders in Rats in Post-resuscitation Period
The aim of the work is to study the condition of spermatogenesis and the mechanism of its disorders in an early post-resuscitation period.
Materials and Methods. The study has been carried out on 52 white male non-pedigree rats, weighing 230—290 g. The terminal state was simulated by modeling acute hypobaric anoxia. There has been performed cytological examination of spermaries cells and assessed the activity of oxidative modification of proteins and lipid peroxidation.
Results. The reduction of the number of all types of cells in spermary tissue was revealed. The leading pathogenic factor of post-resuscitation spermary cell damages in rats was stated to be excessive enhancement of lipid peroxidation processes and proteins oxidative modification.