The Experience of Pilot Studies of Lymph Capillaries Pathomorphology of Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma According to the Data from the Images Stained by D2-40 Marker
The aim of the work is to study the growth and development regularities of lymph vascular bed of thyroid papillary carcinomas according to the results of image processing of pathohistological specimens.
Materials and Methods. The objects of the research were microslides (n=40) stained by D2-40 marker, prepared from surgically removed tumours (thyroid papillary carcinoma) of patients with sporadic thyroid carcinoma. The tumour specimens were stored frozen. The majority of patients were female (82.5%), age varying from 9 to 18 years. An average tumour size was 10 mm. There was used special software that processed images and calculated 5 parameters: relative area of vessels; relative fraction of small objects of vessels (noise); relative fraction of great vessels; average colority of distinguished vessels.
Results. There was revealed the relationship between the infiltration growth of thyroid papillary carcinomas and the relative area of capillary lymph bed measured on digital images (Pearson correlation — 0.32; 2-tailed — 0.43; p<0.05).