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The Change in the Parameters of Blood Plasma Infrared Spectra of Animals-carriers of Tumours Against the Background of Dietary Supplement Administration

The Change in the Parameters of Blood Plasma Infrared Spectra of Animals-carriers of Tumours Against the Background of Dietary Supplement Administration

Krasnikova О.V., Gordetsov А.S., Krylov V.N.
Key words: IR-spectroscopy, Pliss lymphosarcoma, amber acid, oligosaccharide chitosan succinate, oligosaccharide chitosan succinate-ascorbate.
2011, issue 4, page 18.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the dynamics of blood plasma IR-spectra parameters of animals-carriers of tumours against the background of dietary supplement administration.

Materials and Methods. White non-pedigree male rats (n=30) with Pliss lymphosarcoma (РL) have been administered the solutions of the substances under test (amber acid, oligosaccharide chitosan succinate, oligosaccharide chitosan succinate-ascorbate) by probe into the stomach in a dose of 100 mg per kg of an animal’s mass, within seven days starting with the 6th day after strain transplantation.

For IR-spectrum parameters there have been taken particular values resulted from the division of absorption bands peaks heights by each other: X=1165/1070, Y=1165/1150, Z=1165/1125.

Results. The change of blood plasma infrared spectra (p≤0.05) has showed that in tumour carriers the content of glucose in blood plasma increases. The administration of amber acid and its derivatives contributes to the accumulation of glucose, as well as monophosphates (AMP, etc) and the reduction of nucleoside triphosphates (ATP, GTP and others), that can be explained by energy imbalance in animals-carriers of tumours, being potentially dangerous and contributing to the acceleration of tumour growth.

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Krasnikova О.V., Gordetsov А.S., Krylov V.N. The Change in the Parameters of Blood Plasma Infrared Spectra of Animals-carriers of Tumours Against the Background of Dietary Supplement Administration. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 18

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