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The Prognosis of the Course of Disseminated Breast Cancer Using Mathematical Model of the Balance of Proliferation and Cell Loss Factor

The Prognosis of the Course of Disseminated Breast Cancer Using Mathematical Model of the Balance of Proliferation and Cell Loss Factor

Terentiev I.G., Kuznetsov S.S., Bazanov K.V.
Key words: metastatic breast cancer, cell loss factor, tumour growth rate, chemotherapy.
2011, issue 4, page 40.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the peculiarities of cell proliferation in breast cancer, cell loss factor, and the correlation of these values, and on the basis of the obtained quantitative parameters — to develop mathematical model showing the dynamics of tumour growth that enables to determine the periods of the highest sensitivity to the administered treatment and so to prognosticate chemotherapy effect.

Materials and Methods. There have been carried out clinical, morphological and morphometric examinations of 17 women with metastatic breast cancer aged 33–72 years. All the patients had previous radical mastectomy. All women have undergone chemotherapy, and 6 patients — radiotherapy on the area of postoperative scar and the areas of regional metastasis.

Results. There has been developed a mathematical model in which the tumour growth is considered as a complex balance between the division and death of tumour cells. There have been analyzed the combination of the parameters of proliferative cell activity and cell loss in which a maximum effect in cytoreductive treatment is possible to be achieved. And there have been discussed the failure origin in a number of cases in chemotherapeutic treatment of disseminated breast cancer.

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Terentiev I.G., Kuznetsov S.S., Bazanov K.V. The Prognosis of the Course of Disseminated Breast Cancer Using Mathematical Model of the Balance of Proliferation and Cell Loss Factor. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 40

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