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The Use of Radiothermometry in Determining the Level and the Way of Lower Limbs Amputation in Patients with Critical Ischemia

The Use of Radiothermometry in Determining the Level and the Way of Lower Limbs Amputation in Patients with Critical Ischemia

Voloshin V.N., Mukhin А.S., Tarakanova О.E.
Key words: amputation, the choice of amputation level, radiothermometry.
2011, issue 4, page 95.

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The aim of the investigation is to assess the possibility of using radiothermometry when choosing an optimal level of lower limb amputation in patients with critical ischemia and the way of its performance.

Materials and Methods. Radiothermometrical investigations were carried out in 60 apparently healthy people and in 130 patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans with III and IV degrees of chronic arterial failure.

Results. There was suggested and developed the method of determining amputation level and the way of its performance based on the measurements of low limbs deep temperatures.
Conclusion. Radiothermometric technique is very informative when determining the level of low limbs amputation and the ways of its performance.

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Voloshin V.N., Mukhin А.S., Tarakanova О.E. The Use of Radiothermometry in Determining the Level and the Way of Lower Limbs Amputation in Patients with Critical Ischemia. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 95

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