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The Effect of Thermal Exposure on Spermatogenesis in an Experiment

The Effect of Thermal Exposure on Spermatogenesis in an Experiment

Potyomina Т.Е., Tukmakova Т.S.
Key words: stress, seminal fluid, sperm, adaptation.
2011, issue 4, page 99.

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There have been studied the total quantity of sperm cells and their motility in seminal fluid of male white rats under the conditions of acute thermal exposure. The change of quantitative and qualitative parameters of ejaculate has been shown to be a significant criterion of adaptation and disadaptation processes in the body under stress.

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Potyomina Т.Е., Tukmakova Т.S. The Effect of Thermal Exposure on Spermatogenesis in an Experiment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 99

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