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The Experience of Using Ultrasound in Differential Diagnostics of Difficult Cases of Urgent Surgery (Mesenteric Thrombosis and Destructive Pancreatitis)

The Experience of Using Ultrasound in Differential Diagnostics of Difficult Cases of Urgent Surgery (Mesenteric Thrombosis and Destructive Pancreatitis)

Firsova V.G., Parshikov V.V., Gradusov V.P., Artifexova А.А., Potekhina Y.P.
Key words: diagnostic ultrasound, Doppler sonography, urgent surgery, acute pancreatitis, mesenteric thrombosis.
2011, issue 4, page 102.

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There has been presented the experience of using ultrasound in urgent abdominal surgery. There have been demonstrated the possibilities of US in difficult cases and urgent situations. Differential and diagnostic criteria in acute disorder of the mesenteric circulation and destructive pancreatitis have been given. Revealed ultrasonographic phenomena have been correlated with the data of clinical examination, infrared thermography (CEM ThermoDiagnostic), computer and magnetic resonance tomography, selective angiography, intraoperative review of abdominal cavity organs, as well as verified morphologically (fine needle and intraoperative biopsy) and assessed together with the results of surgical interference and conservative treatment. Clinical examples of using additional possibilities of the technique (performing diagnostic fine needle biopsy under US control) have been shown.

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Firsova V.G., Parshikov V.V., Gradusov V.P., Artifexova А.А., Potekhina Y.P. The Experience of Using Ultrasound in Differential Diagnostics of Difficult Cases of Urgent Surgery (Mesenteric Thrombosis and Destructive Pancreatitis). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 102

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