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Causal Treatment of Serous Enterovirus Meningites in Children

Causal Treatment of Serous Enterovirus Meningites in Children

Eshmolov S.N., Sitnikov I.G., Melnikovа I.М.
Key words: enterovirus meningitis, children, clinical characteristics, causal treatment.
2011, issue 4, page 169.

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The aim of the investigation is to analyze clinical presentations of serous meningitis of enterovirus etiology in children in the period of incidence rate increase and assess the efficacy of etiotropic remedies as part of complex baseline therapy

Materials and Methods. There have been studied clinical and epidemiological characteristics of enterovirus meningitis in 152 children aged 3–17 years.

Results. There have been considered in detail clinical characteristics of serous meningitis in children. For assessment and clinical efficacy of etiotropic remedies used in treatment of enterovirus infection patients have been divided into three groups according to sex, age and the severity of the disease. There have been developed new treatment programs included into protocols of complex baseline therapy of antiviral medications — Arbidol and Amixin, interferonogenesis inductor, and the efficiency and necessity of their use have been proved.

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Eshmolov S.N., Sitnikov I.G., Melnikovа I.М. Causal Treatment of Serous Enterovirus Meningites in Children. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 169

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