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The Role of Extended Combined Surgeries in the Treatment of Gastric Cancer

The Role of Extended Combined Surgeries in the Treatment of Gastric Cancer

Aliev А.R., Zeinalov R.S.
Key words: gastric cancer, combined gastrectomy, lymph dissection.
2011, issue 4, page 184.

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There were analyzed the results of surgical treatment of 99 patients with gastric cancer. In 70 cases gastrectomy was accompanied by lymph dissection corresponding to the volume of D2, and in 29 cases — to D3 volume. 35 patients underwent a combined surgery. There were postoperative complications in 10 patients (28.6%) of this group, and in 13 cases (20.31%) from 64 patients with standard and extended gastrectomies. In early postoperative period the lethality in the main group was 5.7%, in control group — 4.7%. The difference between the findings obtained is statistically unreliable (p>0.05).

The investigation carried out demonstrated that modern principles of surgical treatment of gastric cancer providing oncology adequacy and improving quality of life of this group of patients make it necessary to perform combined surgeries in locally advanced gastric cancer.

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Aliev А.R., Zeinalov R.S. The Role of Extended Combined Surgeries in the Treatment of Gastric Cancer. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 184

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