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A New Clasp to Fix Partial Dentures

A New Clasp to Fix Partial Dentures

Saakyan М.Yu., Gazimagomedova V.R., Berezin P.V.
Key words: clasp, fixed prostheses, partial dentures.
2012, issue 1, page 91.

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A new clasp to fix small saddle prostheses was designed to improve the quality of prosthetic unilateral free-end saddle restoration. Unlike the known ones, the clasp can be adapted for clinical crowns of any height (particularly useful for low crowns) as no standard elements are required to be fixed on prosthesis. Prosthesis retention is independent of the height of coronal part and the evidence of its survey line. Gentle preparation of abutment teeth allows grinding off hard tooth issues minimally.

The combination of fixing elements of a single clasp provides sufficient fixation to achieve high masticatory efficiency and prosthesis spatial stabilization but at the same time only partially limits its lability in mastication.
The clasp can be used in free-end saddle restoration both in maxilla and mandible, and especially in patients with periodontal diseases complicated by partial tooth loss.

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Saakyan М.Yu., Gazimagomedova V.R., Berezin P.V. A New Clasp to Fix Partial Dentures. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (1): 91

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