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Lysozyme Lacrimal Activity as the Immunity Measure in Children with Dacryocystitis of Newborns

Lysozyme Lacrimal Activity as the Immunity Measure in Children with Dacryocystitis of Newborns

Galeeva G.Z., Samoilov А.N., Musina L.Т.
Key words: lysozyme, dacryocystitis of newborns, lysozyme lacrimal activity.
2012, issue 1, page 137.

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The aim of the investigation is to determine lysozyme lacrimal activity in children of early age with various forms of dacryocystitis of newborns using the technique developed.

Material and Methods. Lysozyme lacrimal activity was determined by the technique developed by the authors. Three groups of children were included into the study: the 1st group (20 children, 40 eyes) aged from 1 month to 1 year and a month — without pyoinflammatory diseases; the 2nd group (57 children, 69 eyes) aged from a month to a year and 2 months — with catarrhal form of dacryocystitis of newborns; and the 3rd group (139 children, 177 eyes) aged from 1 month to 1 year and a month — with purulent dacryocystitis.

Conclusion. The study of lysozyme lacrimal activity can serve as a safe method of diagnostics, prognosis of outcome and control of the treatment effectiveness of eye inflammatory diseases. The technique developed makes the method easy and safe.

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Galeeva G.Z., Samoilov А.N., Musina L.Т. Lysozyme Lacrimal Activity as the Immunity Measure in Children with Dacryocystitis of Newborns. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (1): 137

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