Chemical Composition Analysis of Gallstones in Patients with Cholelithiasis Using Infrared Spectrometry
The aim of the investigation is to develop the technique of life-time chemical composition analysis of gallstones in patients with cholelithiasis using infrared spectrometry, comparing bile and gallstone substrates.
Materials and Methods. There were studied gallstones and cystic bile of 50 patients aged 22–73 years after cholecystectomy and cystic bile (B bile) in duodenal intubation of 12 young men aged 20–32 years without biliary tract diseases using infrared (IR) spectrometry (Specord 75 IR and Specord 80 IR).
Results. In cholelithiasis, 83.7% of patients have cholesterol gallstones, and 16.3% — calcium bilirubinate stones. The condition of lithogenesis of all type stones is the cholesterol oversaturation of bile (IR bile cholesterol absorption index >58%). The bile bilirubin level in patients with calcium bilirubinate stones (Ме=34%) is statistically significantly higher than in those with cholesterol gallstones (Ме=22%).
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