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Computer Simulation of Mutual Synchronization of Cell Density Oscillations of Hyperproliferating Epidermisis in Psoriasis Pathogenesis

Computer Simulation of Mutual Synchronization of Cell Density Oscillations of Hyperproliferating Epidermisis in Psoriasis Pathogenesis

М.V. Laptev
Key words: psoriasis, synchronization of biorhythms, mathematical modeling.
2012, issue 2, page 97.

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The aim of the investigation is to study theoretically the patterns of mutual synchronization of epidermal cell density oscillations in psoriatic skin lesions, particularly under conditions of severe clipped noise, and to evaluate its role in the pathogenesis of some clinical forms of the disease.

Matherials and Methods. A pre-designed mathematical model of autocrine and paracrine regulation of psoriatic epidermal proliferation is used as the objects of the study. The study was carried out on a personal computer using a mathematical software package Mathcad 14.

Results. The study showed a tendency to form in the diffusion-related of psoriatic skin lesions characterized by self-oscillations of epidermal cell density, the group wholly or partially synchronized elements. The final result depended on the noise level, the distribution of power relations, and the relation of frequencies and oscillations amplitudes. The patterns can explain the development of such forms of the disease, as figured, limited and generalized psoriasis.

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М.V. Laptev Computer Simulation of Mutual Synchronization of Cell Density Oscillations of Hyperproliferating Epidermisis in Psoriasis Pathogenesis. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (2): 97

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